Tonight is a classic football match with
Manchester Utd vs
Liverpool FC. Now, I wrote this first article on this blog for a software which I developed for my wife in her clinic in up-country,
Thailand. After she used in clinic, I still develop for her. I think, it maybe use in other clinics. Then I try to release it to public.
In background I am a Java programmer in
Thailand. I ever worked in open source software project and commercial software for hospital. Working only hospital domain around 11-12 years (I think I too old :-). I try to work with other domain, but it 's very hard to seek a new job for me. T_T
Later, I got a new job at company that work with hospital again. I got a time enough to re-develop this software.
I think it maybe use in other clinics, but it haven't features enough to sale. I released it for free, no charge. Now, it 's a
freeware. Everyone can download and try to use.
If you would like to help me for continue develop you can donate me :-)
If you have some specific requirements, you can hire me to develop.
Because it 's free and for medical domain I named it to "
FreeMed "
FreeMed - Sample screen |
Basic feature such as
Patient Management
- Patient demographics.
- Chief complain ( CC ), present illness ( PI ), physical exam ( PE ), vital sign.
- Basic diagnosis ( Dx ).
- Order entry and link to inventory automatically.
- Printing for Out patient card cover.
- Printing for Out patient card.
- Helping word configurable such as Chief complain ( CC ), present illness ( PI ), physical exam ( PE ), basic diagnosis ( Dx ).
- Received cash from patient.
- Reporting for list of patient.
Material management
- Finding material.
- Configure for minimum stock and maximum stock.
- Receiving material.
- Adjust balance quantity.
- Add new material to system.
- Configure for default usage.
- Reporting for list of material.
This software is a stand alone application, it can use only one machine in one clinic.
But don't worry about that, I still develop it to work on multiple machine and still free.
Give me more times. Now, I need to focus about main function first.
Other features that not mentioned in this article. Now, it 's not supported. I develop it after a routine job.
After download and try, if you have any comments, found bugs or any requirements, please comment in this blog. I will collect them and put to new article to review again.
Schedule for released maybe 24 Jan 2013.
Now, I try to create user manual in video demonstration.
Just finish 1 file at